Knowledge is important publications are not. Your degree might help you get somewhere but to grow you need to really know beyond your grades. This is becoming super popular with so many successful colleges drop out folks around yet it's important to know it all, why did they drop out?because they had an Idea!
Very important to talk about, while everyone was studying securing good grades, what were you doing? Alright, you said you didn't want to part of a herd then what? Did you find your kingdom on your own? Did you make sure you utilized the time well? Did you do all that you wanted? If yes you might already know by now where your interests lie, if not yet you sure need to give more thoughts to it.
Back to grades, I would say a straight no what matters is your attitude. Are you a hard-working successful fellow or a smart-working professional.
Hard-work can take you anywhere but it can also take others there as well. Then, if you are competing, if you want to stand-out, if you know you are better than others, that's where you need to smartly do things. It is good to stay confident but you also need to benchmark it every now and then with reality. This helps you understand the true version of yourself.
Grades are not absolute achievements but ti matters what you did otherwise. Spending time doing nothing may lead to regrets when you become busy next. So what matters is making max out of every moment. Follow your passion, follow a plan, failure, and success come and go but trying it always worthy.
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